Methodist Church
291 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8ND
Sunday Worship
11am in person
6.15pm in person and bimonthly via Zoom
Midweek Activities
291 Creative Hub
Ladies Circle
Boys' Brigade
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Polish AA
Minister: Rev. Ruth Childs
Click here to find out more about Ruth and how to contact her
In the week during the day Monday to Thursday inclusive there are activities for older people at the 291 Creative Hub (run by 291 Community Association CIO). The activities are Monday: Friendship Group; Craft & Chat; Walking Football; Tuesday: Gentle Exercise; Wednesday: Craft; Thursday: Art; Digital Drop-in. Fortnightly: (Wednesday)we have a Community Sing Along. Monthly: (Monday) Easy Cooking. It networks with a number of like-minded groups including Bringing People Together, Sandwell SCVO, Sandwell Network, Sandwell Churches’ Link, Sandwell Healthwatch and Age UK. To find out more, please take a look at our website.
The Ladies Circle meet Monthly on the last Friday in the Month at 2pm.
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Boys’ Brigade all meet during the week.
Polish Alcoholics Anonymous meet on a Saturday evening.
We are working towards becoming an ECO Church, reducing our carbon footprint and impact on the environment. We undertake initiatives such as toilet twinning via Tearfund. We also have several collections throughout the year for the Food Bank for the local community.
There has been a Methodist Church on this site since 1835. The old church was demolished in 1972 and the present church opened in 1974. Throughout our history, our focus and our mission has not changed: “Together in Faith – Forward in Mission”. We have welcome stewards and anyone coming is warmly greeted. Wesley is well known for its friendly fellowship. We have a very active Prayer Link and Pastoral Carers.
We have a weekly Connect newsletter to keep in touch and to provide worship material for use in the home. We were one of the first churches in the Circuit to use zoom technology for our services, we still do regularly. This year there have been two Bible Study sessions.
We have a competent organist/pianist providing music for worship on most Sundays and use accompaniments via the PA system on other occasions. We use Singing the Faith and a projector and screen are available.