Toll End
Methodist Church
46 Bourne Avenue, Tipton DY4 0LW
Sunday Worship
Midweek Activities
Wednesday Coffee Club 10.30am-12 Noon
Over 50s Club Thursdays 2pm-3.45pm
Minister : Rev. Juliet Kisob
Click here to find out more about Juliet and how to contact her
The present church building is a very well kept and functional space built in 1980. This enables the church members to concentrate on what we are good at and that's supporting the local community around Bourne Avenue and Powis Avenue (among others!) in Tipton.
We have a successful Wednesday Coffee Club and over 50s club.
We support local and national charities with our giving, in the last 5 years we have raised £3000 for the Air Ambulance. Last year we gave £500 to the Parkinson's charity and £250 to Macmillan Nurses.
Our future hopes are to start a Craft group but mostly to continue being Church to the community around Toll End.
Hymns and music is played via a digital organ. We use Hymns & Psalms.