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Tipon Green

Tipton Green Methodist Church

Park Lane West, Tipton, DY4 8LD

Sunday Worship


Midweek Activities

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Fun Club (for juniors)

Rhema Bible Fellowship: Thursdays at 7.30pm

Lunch Club: First Wednesday of each month at 12noon

Minister: Rev. Denise Williams 

Click here to find out more about Denise and how to contact her


Our Lunch Club, which meets on the first Wednesday each month at 12noon offers light meals and drinks. Many who attend are from our community and, particularly for older people, it helps to reduce isolation. There is a weekly subscription, normally £3.00 per person.


Our Fun Club is aimed at juniors (many of whom don't attend church regularly) and offers sports games, table games, quizzes and other activities. Snack refreshments and drinks are available. We always end with a short session where our young people are introduced to the basic Christian message.


The Rhema Bible Fellowship meets weekly on Thursdays at 7.30pm. During Spring, Summer and Autumn we offer a varied programme of Biblical studies comprising thematic or Biblical topics. We also, each year, offer a Lent course. Our speakers are Circuit Ministers, Local Preachers and trusted leaders from other churches. Numbers are around a dozen and it’s a warm and enjoyable session. You don’t need any understanding of the Scriptures – just come along and enjoy God’s word. We do not meet during winter (December to Lent).


Our Junior Church meets during our time of worship on Sunday mornings. Our Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet in the week in our church hall.


Tipton Green Methodist Church was opened in July 1978 and was forged by three churches (Park Lane, Bloomfield and Bell Street) taking a wider vision and merging into one fellowship. However, there has been a Methodist presence on the current ground since 1750 when the first preaching house was built. This was replaced by a chapel in 1786.


In 1809 Park Lane Methodist Church was built but fell into disrepair by 1975. A blue English Heritage plaque, indicating the site as one where John Wesley himself had preached, is testimony to God’s grace being worked out and lived in our community for over two centuries.


As a society of Methodist Christians today, we offer people a warm welcome, free from judgment. We open a space where all can explore who God is and what He has done for us in Jesus; worship, fellowship and Biblical truth are key factors in our discipleship journey.


Within the Tipton area we have good relations with friends in other churches.  New Life Church meet in our premises on Sunday afternoons.  Within our local community, The Tipton Food Bank has operated since 2013; from its inception people from Tipton Green were part of its operation. The Food Bank opens Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays; friends from New Road along with Tipton Green members run the Tuesday session.


Our main aspiration for Tipton Green is growth and linking more closely with community and families. Our main objective, as a church, will be making Jesus real to people in our vicinity and growing a love-centred fellowship for all ages.


We have a very competent organist and a digi-box with several libraries of music.

We sing from Singing the Faith, Hymns and Psalms and Mission Praise

Black Country Methodist Circuit © 2025

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