St Andrew's
18 Dudley Street, Carters Green,
West Bromwich B70 9LR
Sunday Worship
9.30am Eucharist
Midweek Activities
Place of Welcome
Monthly Followship
Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association
Minister: Rev. Denise Williams
Click here to find out more about Denise and how to contact her
We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP), Anglicans and Methodists worshiping together as a single congregation. Our work can be summed up in our Mission Statement: ‘Anglicans and Methodists, Together Serving the Community’.
We are part of the ‘Place of Welcome’ network, offering a friendly welcome to all every Wednesday from 10am to 12noon. Our monthly fellowship meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 7pm.
Our Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association meet during the week.
Organist available every Sunday.