Malcolm Freeman
Circuit Steward
Circuit Treasurer
As Treasurer of the Circuit, I am a member of the Finance and Property Subgroup and responsible for the careful stewardship of the Circuit’s finances.
I’m a member of Leabrook Methodist Church, where I am Treasurer, Senior Steward and a Worship Leader at the Church.
Born in Yorkshire, much of my family originate in the Black Country. My early career was in accountancy, now retired, I spent the majority of working life as a Principle Officer with the local authority.
When younger I was active in outdoor pursuits, particularly canoeing and sailing, but now my sporting activities are limited to golf and as a spectator.
I love spending time with family and friends, especially my grandchildren and in travelling- visiting new places and countries. I am an avid reader and when not in front of my computer doing church business can often be found with my head in a book.