New Road
Methodist Church
Mount Street, Tipton, DY4 7DE
Sunday Worship
Midweek Activities
See Below
Minister: Rev. Denise Williams
Click here to find out more about Denise and how to contact her
New Road is a welcoming Church, meeting weekly for Sunday worship at 10.45am. Our Junior Church meets while we worship.
We hold fortnightly Bible Study on Monday evenings between 6pm and 7pm in the Church vestry. A small group pray, remotely, at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday, getting together in a home every 3 to 4 Weeks. We pray for the Church but also for the Black Country Circuit and the world's needs. We meet on Thursday afternoons from 2pm-3.30pm for free tea/coffee/treats. This is also a Warm Space initiative and is open to all ages.
The 7th Great Bridge Scouts, Beavers and Cubs meet on various nights in the week.
We have fostered links with Great Bridge Primary School, supplying them with booklets to help year 6 pupils as they move to secondary schools. We have approached the new Headteacher offering any help with can give.
We have a digital organ. We sing from Hymns & Psalms