Meet the Team
Our Ministerial Staff

Phone: 0121 520 2237
Rev. Denise Williams
As Superintendent Minister I have pastoral oversight of the Circuit, leading our Circuit Staff, chairing the Circuit Leadership Team and the Circuit Meeting.
I was born and grew up in Walsall and worked for many years as a health visitor. I continued this as I trained for the ministry part-time at Queens Theological college. When I was stationed, I hopped over a Circuit to join the then Tipton Circuit which became the Tipton and West Bromwich Circuit. This in turn joined with the Circuit I had 'hopped' over which became the Black Country Circuit - so I have worked for 3 Circuits without moving. I became Superintendent Minister in the Circuit I was serving in, the Black Country Circuit, in 2018.
I love the variety that is ministry, enjoying outreach in the community especially working with children, and in taking occasional offices supporting families through both the most joyful and most difficult times of their lives.
Family is very important to me. I am a wife, mother to three grown-up children and last year became Nan to a delightful Grandson born 10 weeks early who keeps us on our toes. I also have a dog.
I have pastoral oversight for the whole Circuit, but also directly for Hallam Street, Hill Top, Methodist Centre, New Road, Park, Ryders Green, St. Andrew's (a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the Anglican Church) and Tipton Green Methodist Churches.

Rev. Ruth Childs
I am a Black Country girl, having slipped across the border from Birmingham in my teens (and no, I didn’t need a passport!).
I came into ministry in 2013 after leaving my previous legal career and re-training at Queens College, Birmingham – there’s quite a long story about how I journeyed with God to get to that point, which I am always happy to share over a cuppa.
I have what my family would call a “not so mild” obsession with flamingos and all things purple. If you ever want to know why flamingos are so special to me, you’ll need to come to one of my baptism services!
I have a passion for inclusivity in the church and firmly believe that “All are Welcome” in God’s Kingdom.
I also have a yearning to see more of the world, having had a taster of global travel pre-Covid, but am now hampered by chronic illness/disability. But who knows what adventures God has in store for the future? It is all about learning to live with a new rhythm.
I have pastoral oversight for Beeches Road, Charlemont, Lea Brook and Wesley Methodist Churches.

Phone: 0121 520 3017
Rev. Juliet Kisob
My name is Juliet. My Grandma (of blessed memory) called me Arete. I have two children (a girl and a boy) and I am Sister to my five surviving siblings. I draw inspiration from the spirituality of my Grandma who taught me to be thankful in the Lord and to serve the Lord with joy (Psalm 100:2).
I was born into a Presbyterian Church family in Cameroon, and it was in secondary school there that I first sensed that God was calling me.
However, things did not quite go as I hoped. I went on to train as a teacher and found other ways to serve God in the Women’s Fellowship of the church.
It was in Leicester Trinity Circuit that my calling was discerned and nurtured to grow. I trained as a Local Preacher before moving to the Queen’s Foundation Birmingham where I received training and formation in ordained ministry.
I am excited to be in the Black Country and anxious to see how God will work God’s purposes in my life.
I am passionate about serving God, wherever I am called or sent to serve, and being with people.
I have pastoral oversight for Central and Woods, Roseville and Toll End Methodist Churches.